Aquest curs hem tornat a anar a Dublin amb alumnes de 3r d’eso. És una estada lingüística que combina allotjament en famílies, classes en una acadèmia i sortides per conèixer la ciutat i l’entorn. Us deixem un escrit i un video que ens han fet arribar alumnes que han viscut l’experiència.

On the 23rd of February we took a plane to Dublin. When we arrived, our host families welcomed into their houses. The next day, on Sunday, we spent all day visiting Kilkenny and its castle. Every morning we took the train to the city center and we walked to the school. In the afternoon we visited different places like Dublin center, Dublinia museum, Phoenix Park and the Bothanic Gardens. We enjoyed. On the first of March we came back home. It was a great experience and we would like to repeat it.